PAS 9980 Surveys London

Our company conducts PAS 9980 surveys in the London area to help buildings improve fire safety protocols. It’s a method to evaluate the fire performance of external walls.

With a PAS 9980, clients can understand the risk of a fire spreading along the external walls while considering the building’s current fire safety measures and occupancy. Therefore, we look at the building from a holistic perspective.

We believe that timely measures can help building owners avoid the threat of extensive damage due to a fire risk.

We Perform Detailed Inspections for PAS 9980 Survey

The PAS 9980 Survey evaluates fire risk through a five-step process. We perform these steps to look at the building’s overall risk factors while determining ways to alleviate them. This helps in improving the overall risk rating of the building.

1. Determining whether the building requires an in-depth assessment

2. Gather information to complete the fire risk assessment of external walls

3. Identify factors that have a significant impact on the risk rating and categories them into groups

4. Look at each group of risk factors to derive an overall rating

5. Compare the analysis against a risk benchmarking success criteria to find out the outcome

Based on the PAS 9980 framework, the building will be classified as low, medium, or high risk for fire spread.

Call Us To Know More About PAS 9980 Survey Service

Wondering how we can help? We can perform a complete fire risk assessment by conducting the PAS 9990 survey for your property.

We’re a team of fully-insured fire engineers and safety officers with relevant training and expertise to perform the assessment, analyse the results, and prepare a report.

If you’d like to learn more about the survey and how we can help, give us a call today for a free quote on our services

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